Sunday, October 27, 2019

Graphs in Illustrator

Bar Graph
Stacked Bar Graph
Column Graph
Stacked Column Graph

Pie Graph
Radar Graph

Area Graph
Line Graph
Scatter Graph

Hotkeys for graph data:

A Entry text box Enter the data
B Import data Import data saved as a text file
C Transpose row/column
Switch the columns and rows of data
D Switch x/y
Switch the x and u axes of graphs
E Cell style
Adjust the column width or decimal precision of cells
F Revert Revert the changes you've made in the graph data
G Apply Apply the changes you've made in the graph data

Bridging between Excel and Illustrator:

Copy data from a spreadsheet and paste it in the Graph Data window

Copying data from a spreadsheet in excel and pasting into the top left corner of the data table in Illustrator

Bar Graphs in Illustrator. Enter numbers to form size of bars in each column.


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