Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Preparing Illlustrator files for After Effects

In Illustrator - Preparation
  • Place all vector paths in the layers that they are meant to be placed in. i.e. sections/groups of vectors. ex: when illustrating a person's face, one part of the face you might have are the eyes as a separate layer

  • By selecting the drop-down in layers panel, select "release layers to sequence to put each path in separate layer
  • this works especially well for importing ai files in after effects

In After Effects - Importing




  • When importing ai file into after effects, we are going to select FILE>IMPORT FILE
  • We are going to make sure it is a "composition - Retain File Sizes"; not "footage". This ensures that all layers from .ai file will automatically get cropped at the edges, making it easier to edit each individual component

After Effects blog post:;postID=6218440806600586042;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=3;src=postname

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